If at First You Don’t Succeed: The Secrets to Unlocking the Code of Perseverance


Discover practical strategies to unlock perseverance’s secrets in a world where instant gratification and “TikTok” attention spans often prevail. Designed specifically for the entire orthodontic practice team, defy the urge to give up after the first attempt by avoiding quick fixes and implementing new processes, programs, services, or tools. 

  • Understand why patience and persistence are vital in a world dominated by instant gratification
  • Overcome the myth of perfectionism and how it holds you back in multiple areas of your life
  • Build lasting habits of perseverance




Dino Watt is the Team Transformation Specialist and Founder and CEO of Our Ripple Effect, Inc. He has been called one of the most exciting business relationship trainers in the world. As an award-winning mentor, author of five books, dynamic speaker, and international trainer, Dino focuses on contributing more positivity and productivity to every business and person he interacts with. He does this by making things simple to understand and easy to use. 

As a high-performance practice advisor, Dino has frequently been referred to as “the Tony Robbins of private practices”. His goal is to help business leaders create more passion, productivity, and profit in all areas of their lives.
