Maximize Your Time With Doctorless Consults ft. Jill Allen


Doctorless exams. Virtual treatment coordinators.

While you may never have thought you would see these words used together, doctorless exams and virtual treatment coordinators are profitable, and patients love them. With the right tools and strategies, you can reap their benefits in your practice.

In this session, Jill shares how to:

  • Introduce doctorless exams into your practice
  • Maximize your schedule and increase production
  • Empower your treatment coordinator
  • Leverage time management to ensure practice success



Jill Allen | Jill Allen & Associates

Jill Allen is a national orthodontic consultant with a passion for helping doctors bring their practice dreams to fruition. Jill and her team specialize in start-up practices and doctors in business eight years or less; or eight years to retirement. Jill offers customized solutions for each office. Her goal is to give each team tools to increase growth and streamline their processes.
