Start More Smiles With OrthoFi


Discover how OrthoFi can transform your orthodontic practice by freeing your team to focus on what truly matters, delivering a best-in-class patient experience. This video introduces you to the proven ways OrthoFi helps your team become a revenue-generating, treatment-booking, same-day contract-signing machine. Learn more about how OrthoFi’s suite of products can help your practice, and schedule a one-hour demo today.

Created for orthodontists by orthodontists, our full-service patient acquisition and revenue cycle management solution is designed to increase your starts by:

  • Optimizing new patient onboarding
  • Simplifying same-day conversions
  • Managing insurance and patient receivables for full reimbursement
  • Providing insightful data and personalized business consultation

Practices that use OrthoFi’s software and services consistently outperform the industry by leveraging the right data, tools, and systems needed to achieve dynamic growth, balanced cash flow, and smoother operations.